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Greetings from Incoming Interim President Paul Kreider

An image of Paul Kreider, smiling at the camera

Dear Potomac State College Alumni,

Although I have not yet officially started my role as Interim Campus President, which is March 16, I am excited to connect with you.    

Like you, I am fond of the PSC campus and have been working with campus faculty and staff in different ways since 2017. I am aware of the hard work and commitment of our campus employees and the care they have for our students. I am also impressed with the hard work that people do in support of each other. One example of that commitment I was able to witness, while I was on campus for a day of interaction and meetings. At the end of the day, after a long meeting with staff, students, and faculty, it became clear that the room needed to be reconfigured for another meeting or setting. Suddenly, every participant in the session started stacking chairs, bringing in tables and reconfiguring the room. It was a whirlwind of activity that just started happening. It was a joy to see everyone go the extra mile to make a difference. That is what I plan to do during my time at Potomac State, make a difference. Higher education leaders do what they do out of a love for service and the zeal to make a positive impact. 

I have been asked about my goals for Potomac State. While we must set goals for enrollment and retention of students, we must also set goals on how we raise money in support of students, how we achieve quality, financially supported programs, and how we move forward as one campus with everyone trying to achieve the same goals. Along with our alumni, we can make this happen. Those will be my primary goals for PSC while I’m onboard. 

Our alumni are integral to the life of our campus and to the longevity of the institution. I look forward to meeting with you very soon. In the meantime, if you would like to meet with me to address specific topics or needs, feel free to reach out to me. Please know that I am cognizant of the great love you all have for Potomac State. I have spoken with a few of you already. Another goal of mine is to embrace our alumni and our Mineral County communities to ensure that our institution of higher learning is vibrant and strong. 

Let’s Go Catamounts!


The signature of Paul K. Kreider

Paul K. Kreider, DMA


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